Sorry Nana I Can’t Get Married
An appropriation of Australian artist Anastasia Klose’s iconic “Sorry Nan I’m still Not Married” video artwork, “Sorry Nana I Still Can’t Get Married” re-contextualizes Klose’s message of feminist independence in the face of ethnic and family structure of marriage and tradition for our current political climate regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQI2+ community.
Donning a “cheap” wedding dress and with a similar cardboard sign around neck, walking the streets of Footscray at night, utilising the tropes and connotations of drag performance, the power of the symbol of the wedding dress on a bearded, stocky man becomes ‘shocking’ or visible of the ‘other’ in our culture.
Ultimately a critique on current policies and politics in power, “Sorry Nana I Still Can’t Get Married” is also one of inclusion, homo-core visibility, drag jestering, political protest and contemporary Australian art history.
Listen to a discussion with Matto Lucas on queer art as activism in relation to the Australian marriage equality fight on JOY.FM here.

Victoria University and Wynter Projects for West Projections Festival 2017

Victoria University and Wynter Projects for West Projections Festival 2017

Victoria University and Wynter Projects for West Projections Festival 2017

Victoria University and Wynter Projects for West Projections Festival 2017

Victoria University and Wynter Projects for West Projections Festival 2017